

Frequently asked questions

The Grassroots, Resilience, Ownership and Wellness (GROW) Fund is a first-of-its-kind initiative aimed at building the capabilities, resilience and future readiness of grassroots organisations, in turn facilitating their efforts to effect change at the grassroots. Anchored by EdelGive Foundation along with a collection of reputed funders, the GROW Fund aims to strengthen 100 high impact grassroots organisations over 24 months through capacity building, and support of key organisational functions


Small and mid-sized community-based organisations from across the country, who have been combating and enduring COVID-inflicted distress. 


Sustainability, Organizational Development, Future Readiness

INR 40 Lakhs per organisation per year.

No. All grassroots organisations across India can apply for the fund, provided that they meet the Eligibility Criteria.

  • No, applications can be submitted free of charge on the official website.
  • Further, EdelGive Foundation and The GROW Fund have not authorised any individual, agency or organisation to accept the application on its behalf.

Yes. It is mandatory to meet all the eligibility criteria.

GROW is a non-programmatic grant aimed at nurturing organisations through support for core costs, capacity building and future readiness. Under the GROW fund we are seeking to enable organisations poised for this growth. We wish to minimise compliance risks, especially with regard to FCRA and CSR.

No. The grant is only meant for not-for-profit organisations registered in India.

No. An organization can submit only 1 application.

24 months, split into two tranches.

Deadline extended to 24th  of September, 2021

There are two categories of documents. One set of documents must be uploaded at the time of submitting the application. The other set of documents must be uploaded by 24th September 2021.

No. Once your application is submitted, no changes can be made. Review your application carefully before submission.

Yes. Upon submission of your application, a downloadable PDF will be generated which you may save for future reference.

Post submission, a confirmation/acknowledgment e-mail will be sent to the registered e-mail ID. If you do not receive the e-mail within 24 hours of the submission, please write to us at askgrow@edelgive.org.

No. The GROW Fund accepts applications submitted through the website only.

English only. However, FAQs also available in Hindi, Marathi, Bangla, Tamil, Telugu, Kanada languages.

This means that somebody from your organisation has already registered/submitted the application form. For any help in this regard, give us a missed call on +91 7669300295 or write to us at askgrow@edelgive.org.

FAQs also available in Hindi, Marathi, Bangla, Tamil, Telugu, Kanada languages.